Modern Slavery Statement


Australian Kunzea Pty Ltd (trading as Zea) is committed to operating responsibly and establishing and adhering to the highest ethical standards. We recognise that modern slavery is a significant issue globally and are dedicated to taking steps to ensure that modern slavery practices are not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Our Policy on Modern Slavery

Our Modern Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to mitigating risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain. This policy applies to all individuals working for or on behalf of Zea, including employees, directors, officers, labour hire staff, contractors, and other representatives. Compliance with this policy is mandatory, and failure to adhere may result in disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or business relationships.

Understanding Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is defined as the exploitation of individuals through coercion, threats, or deception, depriving them of their freedom for commercial gain. This includes, but is not limited to, practices such as human trafficking, forced labour, forced marriage, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting, and child labour. Modern slavery is distinct from sub-standard working conditions or underpayment, though these issues are also not tolerated.

Indicators of Modern Slavery

Some signs that may indicate the presence of modern slavery include:

  • Individuals not in possession of their own identity documents
  • Behaviour that suggests they are being controlled or instructed by others
  • Signs of physical harm or trauma
  • Lack of social interaction or freedom to contact friends or family
  • Living in overcrowded or sub-standard accommodations
  • Limited control over personal finances

These indicators are not exhaustive, and other circumstances may also signal potential modern slavery.

Our Commitment and Responsibilities

Zea is committed to:

  • Preparing an annual modern slavery statement.
  • Identifying and addressing modern slavery risks within our business and supply chain.
  • Raising awareness of modern slavery risks through policies and training.

Responsibilities of Our Staff and Business Partners

All personnel and business partners are required to:

  • Participate in relevant training programs.
  • Conduct thorough checks on employees, recruitment agencies, and suppliers.
  • Remain vigilant to signs of modern slavery.
  • Use only approved contracts that include modern slavery clauses.
  • Report any suspected instances of modern slavery promptly.

Reporting Concerns

If you suspect modern slavery practices, report your concerns to Hayden Brass at In cases of immediate danger, contact the police. It is crucial to act responsibly and consult with Hayden Brass to avoid placing potential victims at further risk.

Governance and Review

Our board of directors is responsible for overseeing this policy and addressing reports of significant modern slavery concerns. This policy is subject to review and may be updated as necessary.


If you would like to find out more about the above, please email

Updated 1 July 2024.